Pcsx2 Tri Ace Game Fix

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Search the pcsx2 forums for the game name and find the inevitable thread where someone asks. I know that game comes up a lot. Off the top of my head, did you try the Tri-Ace gamefix in the game-fixes section? Off the top of my head, did you try the Tri-Ace gamefix in the game-fixes section? Well it boots, that's a start! I'll go check the forums to. Tri- Ace Games Blurry. I got the new 9. I would be able to enjoy Radiata stories, but sadly the insane blurry problem is still there.

  1. Pcsx2 Tri Ace Game Fix
  2. Pcsx2 Games For Pc

Please help me relive my childhood - Midnight Club 1 issues.

Intel i7 6500u / Intel HD 520 graphics / Win10 / 8gb RAM

PCSX2 (official website) 1.2.1 - All default

I have ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 'acquired' a copy of Midnight Club - Street Racing, a game which I used to play as a teenager every day back in 2000-2002.

There is nothing more I want to do in the world than to play this game. My issue is that the files are not an .iso, they are .bin and .cue - I have no idea how to make this work in PCSX2.

I've tried combining them into an .iso using 'gburner' but the game freezes when I try to load into the game from the menus.

Maybe I could try with an older BIOS and older PCSX2? I'm not sure where to get old builds.

Please help me!?

ERRORS look like this:


(EE pc:002739E8) TLB Miss, addr=0x0 [load]

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Pcsx2 Tri Ace Game Fix

/* PCSX2 - PS2 Emulator for PCs
* Copyright (C) 2002-2010 PCSX2 Dev Team
* PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Found-
* ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PCSX2.
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Panels::GameFixesPanel::GameFixesPanel( wxWindow* parent )
: BaseApplicableConfigPanel_SpecificConfig( parent )
wxStaticBoxSizer& groupSizer = *newwxStaticBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL, this, _('Gamefixes') );
// NOTE: Order of checkboxes must match the order of the bits in the GamefixOptions structure!
// NOTE2: Don't make this static, because translations can change at run-time :)
// NOTE3: This panel is way to big, header text was reduced as a temporary solution.
// However if you want add more gamefix, a final solution must be found (noteboox/scrolling...)
wxString label, tooltip;
const CheckTextMess check_text[GamefixId_COUNT] =
_('VU Add Hack - Fixes Tri-Ace games boot crash.'),
_('Games that need this hack to boot:n * Star Ocean 3n * Radiata Storiesn * Valkyrie Profile 2')
_('VU Clip Flag Hack - For Persona games (SuperVU recompiler only!)'),
_('FPU Compare Hack - For Digimon Rumble Arena 2.'),
_('FPU Multiply Hack - For Tales of Destiny.'),
_('FPU Negative Div Hack - For Gundam games.'),
_('VU XGkick Hack - For Erementar Gerad.'),
_('FFX videos fix - Fixes bad graphics overlay in FFX videos.'),
_('EE timing hack - Multi purpose hack. Try if all else fails.'),
pxEt( L'Known to affect following games:n * Digital Devil Saga (Fixes FMV and crashes)n * SSX (Fixes bad graphics and crashes)n * Resident Evil: Dead Aim (Causes garbled textures)'
_('Skip MPEG hack - Skips videos/FMVs in games to avoid game hanging/freezes.'),
_('OPH Flag hack - Try if your game freezes showing the same frame.'),
pxEt( L'Known to affect following games:n * Bleach Blade Battlern * Growlanser II and IIIn * Wizardry'
_('Ignore DMAC writes when it is busy.'),
pxEt( L'Known to affect following games:n * Mana Khemia 1 (Going 'off campus')n'
_('Simulate VIF1 FIFO read ahead. Fixes slow loading games.'),
pxEt( L'Known to affect following games:n * Test Drive Unlimitedn * Transformers'
_('Delay VIF1 Stalls (VIF1 FIFO) - For SOCOM 2 HUD and Spy Hunter loading hang.'),
_('Enable the GIF FIFO (slower but needed for Hotwheels, Wallace and Gromit, DJ Hero)'),
_('Switch to GSdx software rendering when an FMV plays'),
_('Preload TLB hack to avoid tlb miss on Goemon'),
_('VU I bit Hack avoid constant recompilation (Scarface The World Is Yours)'),
_('VU I bit Hack avoid constant recompilation (Crash Tag Team Racing)'),
for( int i=0; i<GamefixId_COUNT; ++i )
groupSizer += (m_checkbox[i] = newpxCheckBox( this, check_text[i].label ));
m_checkbox[i]->SetToolTip( check_text[i].tooltip );
m_check_Enable = newpxCheckBox( this, _('Enable manual game fixes [Not recommended]'),
pxE( L'It's better to enable 'Automatic game fixes' at the main menu instead, and leave this page empty ('Automatic' means: selectively use specific tested fixes for specific games). Manual game fixes will NOT increase your performance. In fact they may decrease it.'
m_check_Enable->SetToolTip(pxE(L'Gamefixes can work around wrong emulation in some titles. nThey may also cause compatibility or performance issues.nnThe safest way is to make sure that all game fixes are completely disabled.')).SetSubPadding( 1 );
m_check_Enable->SetValue( g_Conf->EnableGameFixes );
*this += m_check_Enable StdExpand();
*this += groupSizer pxCenter;
Bind(wxEVT_CHECKBOX, &GameFixesPanel::OnEnable_Toggled, this, m_check_Enable->GetId());
g_Conf->EnableGameFixes = m_check_Enable->GetValue();
Pcsx2Config::GamefixOptions& opts( g_Conf->EmuOptions.Gamefixes );
for (GamefixId i=GamefixId_FIRST; i < pxEnumEnd; ++i)
opts.Set((GamefixId)i, m_checkbox[i]->GetValue());
// make sure the user's command line specifications are disabled (if present).
wxGetApp().Overrides.ApplyCustomGamefixes = false;
voidPanels::GameFixesPanel::EnableStuff( AppConfig* configToUse )
if (!configToUse) configToUse = g_Conf.get();
for (GamefixId i=GamefixId_FIRST; i < pxEnumEnd; ++i)
m_checkbox[i]->Enable(m_check_Enable->GetValue() && !configToUse->EnablePresets);
voidPanels::GameFixesPanel::OnEnable_Toggled( wxCommandEvent& evt )
AppConfig tmp=*g_Conf;
tmp.EnablePresets=false; //if clicked, button was enabled, so not using a preset --> let EnableStuff work
EnableStuff( &tmp );
ApplyConfigToGui( *g_Conf );
voidPanels::GameFixesPanel::ApplyConfigToGui( AppConfig& configToApply, int flags )
const Pcsx2Config::GamefixOptions& opts( configToApply.EmuOptions.Gamefixes );
for (GamefixId i=GamefixId_FIRST; i < pxEnumEnd; ++i)
m_checkbox[i]->SetValue( opts.Get((GamefixId)i) );//apply the use/don't-use fix values
m_check_Enable->SetValue( configToApply.EnableGameFixes );//main gamefixes checkbox
EnableStuff( &configToApply );// enable/disable the all the fixes controls according to the main one

Pcsx2 Games For Pc

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